Immigration Evaluations

If you’re seeking asylum in the United States or you need assistance with visas, odds are you’ll require an immigration psychological evaluation. I offer immigration psychological evaluations to help those who seek better opportunities in the United States or those who want to continue living their lives in the United States along with their loved ones.

While I can’t promise specific results or outcomes, I know that the chances of your case being approved double if you have a psychological evaluation.

I work in collaboration with your immigration attorneys to ensure you have all the proper documentation and information necessary for your proceeding. I speak Spanish and accept payment plans.

While immigration evaluations are not therapy, you may find that it allows you to process what you’ve been through and begin the healing journey. I can provide clients with a list of therapists in their area so that you can continue therapy if you’re interested.

What Are Psychological Evaluations for Immigration Cases?

Psychological evaluations are psychosocial assessments that can be helpful to an immigration case that deals with Extreme Hardship Waivers, VAWA, U-Visas, and T-Visas. These evaluations outline the impact that your immigration experience has had on your mental health. 

How Long Do They Take?

Immigration psychological evaluations are approximately three to four hours long and can be done in one visit or completed in several 1-hour visits.

What Happens During a Psychological Evaluation?

During your session, your therapist will ask you questions regarding your personal background and mental health, and your family, and discuss any medical and psychiatric conditions and medications. The information gathered is then used for an eight to ten-page detailed report that discusses hardship factors, results of mental status examination and scales, DSM-V diagnosis, implications, and recommendations.

How Much Does a Psychological Evaluation Cost?

Immigration evaluations cost $800. Payment plans are available, and the overall cost can be split up into two to three payments.